Chambers of commerce and industry in both Türkiye and the European Union (EU) play a vital role in fostering economic cooperation and supporting Türkiye’s EU accession process. The Türkiye-EU Business Dialogue (TEBD) project is built on a long-standing partnership between Eurochambres, the association of European chambers of commerce and industry, and TOBB, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye. As the “voices of the business community,” both organisations advocate for the interests of their members, focusing on strategic priorities that benefit businesses in both regions.

The next phase of the Türkiye-EU Business Dialogue (TEBD-II) will be implemented over 36 months, from 2024 to 2027, and aims to deepen economic relations between Türkiye and the European Union. Led by Eurochambres, this initiative will involve a wide range of collaborative activities, including High-Level Business Dialogues, SME surveys, and joint workshops between Turkish and EU chambers and business communities. The project will also feature capacity-building efforts such as study visits, chamber academies, and support programmes focused on energy efficiency, sustainable growth, and EU Acquis, all designed to strengthen the capacity of both Turkish and EU chambers.

An important component of TEBD-II is the Chamber Partnership Grant Scheme, which will allocate funding for approximately 20 joint projects carried out by European and Turkish chambers. Each project will have a duration of up to 15 months. In addition, the TEBD-II team will provide training, coaching, and continuous support to the grant recipients to ensure the effective implementation of their activities.

The Türkiye-EU Business Dialogue II (TEBD II) is a project funded by the European Union that aims to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between the Turkish and the European private sectors. Activities are implemented by the European and Turkish chambers of commerce and industry.

TEBD II is managed by Eurochambres, through a grant contract with Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye.


Here’s an update on the latest developments as part of the TEBD. Stay tuned for news from the TEBD II, which will be available soon. For the full details, check out the NEWS section in our menu.

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Testimonials TEBD

“Every hour of the Study Visit to Latvia and Estonia was arranged meticulously. The Latvian CCI and Estonian CCI were also very hospitable. The companies we visited, especially ABB Factory, were very impressive. We have learned useful information about the Baltic States, and we have seen that cooperation and collaboration is possible between Turkey and the Baltic States.”
Pınar Alegöz
Tarsus Commodity Exchange
TEBD Testimonials
“Every hour of the Study Visit to Latvia and Estonia was arranged meticulously. The Latvian CCI and Estonian CCI were also very hospitable. The companies we visited, especially ABB Factory, were very impressive. We have learned useful information about the Baltic States, and we have seen that cooperation and collaboration is possible between Turkey and the Baltic States.”Pınar AlegözTarsus Commodity Exchange
“As Ankara Chamber of Industry, we are glad to be part of the TEBD Project by which we have the opportunity to contribute to strengthening cooperation and collaboration between the Turkish and European business communities. (...) We consider the TEBD Project as an effective tool for us in establishing strong and long-lasting bonds with our business partners in Europe.”
Nilay Şahin
Director of Research & Business Development (Ankara Chamber of Industry)
TEBD Testimonials
“As Ankara Chamber of Industry, we are glad to be part of the TEBD Project by which we have the opportunity to contribute to strengthening cooperation and collaboration between the Turkish and European business communities. (...) We consider the TEBD Project as an effective tool for us in establishing strong and long-lasting bonds with our business partners in Europe.”Nilay ŞahinDirector of Research & Business Development (Ankara Chamber of Industry)
“What I appreciated the most about the Study Visit to Latvia and Estonia (from 27 to 31 January 2020) was the opportunity to learn about the way of doing business in the Baltic States. I believe the networking done during the Study Visit will lead to establishing cooperation between Ankara Chamber of Industry and Chambers in the Baltic States in the near future!”
Selin Örnek
Ankara Chamber of Industry
TEBD Testimonials
“What I appreciated the most about the Study Visit to Latvia and Estonia (from 27 to 31 January 2020) was the opportunity to learn about the way of doing business in the Baltic States. I believe the networking done during the Study Visit will lead to establishing cooperation between Ankara Chamber of Industry and Chambers in the Baltic States in the near future!”Selin ÖrnekAnkara Chamber of Industry
“The Study Visit to İzmir was very well prepared and it went beyond my expectations. We had excellent business dialogues and presentations at the İzmir Chamber, and I was especially impressed with our visit to the İzmir University of Economics. I hope that companies in Croatia will take up the opportunities that Turkey can offer them!”
Jagoda Divić
Assistant Director (Croatian Chamber of Economy)
TEBD Testimonials
“The Study Visit to İzmir was very well prepared and it went beyond my expectations. We had excellent business dialogues and presentations at the İzmir Chamber, and I was especially impressed with our visit to the İzmir University of Economics. I hope that companies in Croatia will take up the opportunities that Turkey can offer them!”Jagoda DivićAssistant Director (Croatian Chamber of Economy)
“I participated in the Study Visit to Brussels, in July 2019. Thanks to this Study Visit, I had the chance to learn about different aspects of the EU, and I also got a lot of useful information about EU Funds and the application process. I would highly recommend for those who haven’t done it yet to attend this kind of activity to broaden their vision!”
Berna Övül
Foreign Economic Affairs & Events Chief (Adana Chamber of Commerce)
TEBD Testimonials
“I participated in the Study Visit to Brussels, in July 2019. Thanks to this Study Visit, I had the chance to learn about different aspects of the EU, and I also got a lot of useful information about EU Funds and the application process. I would highly recommend for those who haven’t done it yet to attend this kind of activity to broaden their vision!”Berna ÖvülForeign Economic Affairs & Events Chief (Adana Chamber of Commerce)
“My biggest win from the Study Visit to Brussels was understanding how to manage EU projects. (...) TEBD gave us step-by-step guidance on where to start and how to communicate. Also, we were able to meet with colleagues who are from chambers in other countries. In this way, we could widen our business and cultural perspectives.”
Uğur Çatma
Project Manager (Edremit Chamber of Commerce)
TEBD Testimonials
“My biggest win from the Study Visit to Brussels was understanding how to manage EU projects. (...) TEBD gave us step-by-step guidance on where to start and how to communicate. Also, we were able to meet with colleagues who are from chambers in other countries. In this way, we could widen our business and cultural perspectives.”Uğur ÇatmaProject Manager (Edremit Chamber of Commerce)
“Following the TEBD Academy, I was able to share a lot of valuable information with various companies and clusters via our own Chamber’s activities. Furthermore, I was very happy to exchange and share useful information with my colleagues in order to develop new activities for our members!”
İsmail Öztürk
Deputy Secretary General (Eskisehir Chamber of Industry)
TEBD Testimonials
“Following the TEBD Academy, I was able to share a lot of valuable information with various companies and clusters via our own Chamber’s activities. Furthermore, I was very happy to exchange and share useful information with my colleagues in order to develop new activities for our members!”İsmail ÖztürkDeputy Secretary General (Eskisehir Chamber of Industry)
“I attended the TEBD Study Visit and the ‘Connecting European Chambers’ event in Brussels, which was a great chance to extend my professional network and establish possible partnerships. (...) Being a representative of a non-EU chamber, I strongly believe these events provide valuable opportunities to find areas of cooperation regardless of political relations.”
Suğun Şıvga Keleş
Business Development Expert (İzmir Chamber of Commerce)
TEBD Testimonials
“I attended the TEBD Study Visit and the ‘Connecting European Chambers’ event in Brussels, which was a great chance to extend my professional network and establish possible partnerships. (...) Being a representative of a non-EU chamber, I strongly believe these events provide valuable opportunities to find areas of cooperation regardless of political relations.”Suğun Şıvga KeleşBusiness Development Expert (İzmir Chamber of Commerce)
“The TEBD Study Visit to Latvia and Estonia (from 27 to 31 January 2020) was useful for developing bilateral relations as well as for sharing experience and knowledge. The parts of the programme that related to the concept of ‘clustering’ and the experts who were introduced to us brought benefits in terms of gaining new ideas for our chamber’s future projects!”
Mahmut İnalı
Şanlıurfa Chamber of Commerce and Industry
TEBD Testimonials
“The TEBD Study Visit to Latvia and Estonia (from 27 to 31 January 2020) was useful for developing bilateral relations as well as for sharing experience and knowledge. The parts of the programme that related to the concept of ‘clustering’ and the experts who were introduced to us brought benefits in terms of gaining new ideas for our chamber’s future projects!”Mahmut İnalıŞanlıurfa Chamber of Commerce and Industry
TEBD Testimonials


Here you can see the upcoming TEBD events, please see the CALENDAR section for a complete listing of events.
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