Project Title:
“Mediterranean Business Dialogue for SME coaching and international trade”
Project Coordinator:
Uşak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Turkey)
Project Partners:
Caceres Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Spain)
Viterbo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Italy)
Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Greece)
Kütahya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Turkey)
Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Turkey)
Overall objective:
Strengthen business dialogue between Chambers in the Aegean Region of Turkey and their counterparts in the EU.
Specific objectives:
Strengthen the capacity of Chambers in the Aegean Region to provide coaching and international trade services for SMEs;
Increase the capacity of SMEs in the field of commercialization and support economic development in the the Aegean Region;
Increase opportunities for networking and exchange of best practices between chambers in Turkey and the EU;
Support young and women entrepreneurs in the Aegean Region.