Project Title:
“Transfer of best practices through structural dialogue for capacity development in the fields of digitalisation and industry-university collaboration”
Project Coordinator:
İstanbul Chamber of Industry (Turkey)
Project Partner:
Union of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Crafts of Lombardy (Italy)
Overall objective:
Support close collaboration and bilateral exchanges between Turkish Chambers and their counterparts in the EU in order to support the integration of European and Turkish business communities and contribute to Turkey’s EU accession process by means of sharing experience and knowledge.
Specific objectives:
Increase the capacity of Istanbul Chamber of Industry in the field of digitalisation and industry-university collaboration by promoting know-how, best practices, methodologies and tools from the EU (particularly Italy);
Create opportunities for sustainable dialogue and collaboration between Chambers in Turkey and in the EU;
Increase awareness and knowledge of Chambers and other business community organisations regarding the significance and benefits of digitalisation and industry-university collaboration.