Project Title:
“Strengthening of EU-Turkey Business Bridges through more cooperation and comprehension of the EU”
Project Coordinator:
Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Turkey)
Project Partner:
Czech Chamber of Commerce (Czech Republic)
Overall objective:
Strengthen Chambers and business communities through establishing mutual cooperation substructure among the chambers and business people.
Specific objectives:
Create and improve cooperation through better understanding of EU issues among the business communities in Samsun and in the Czech Republic;
Support and advise Turkish businesses on how to access the EU Single Market;
Strengthen the capacity of Samsun CCI to better serve its members, particularly regarding the EU acquis and supporting the internationalisation of SMEs.
Project Web Site:
Please click here to visit the project website.
An e-export platform has also been created in the framework of the project, you can access it by clicking here.